
Canvas by Instructure provides a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that connects digital tools and resources for teachers. This evaluation covers the cloud based service offered by the vendor, not the open source codebase available on Github. The terms state Canvas collects a wide range of information about students from work submissions, assessment scores, content feedback, and learning tools. The terms state Canvas may sell users' data to third parties and displays targeted advertising, with some limited restrictions for students. The terms say Canvas may track and profile users on its site and across the internet on other sites and services for commercial purposes. In addition to its LMS, the terms state Canvas provides forums for users to post messages and respond to other user’s messages. Any forum posts or comments will show usernames, and any information posted by a user can be read, collected, and shared by others who access them.

Canvas can be accessed through its website. Canvas Teacher is available for download at the iOS App Store, and the Google Play Store. Canvas Student is available for download at the iOS App Store, and the Google Play Store. Canvas Parent is available for download at the iOS App Store, and the Google Play Store.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use accessed for this evaluation can be found on Canvas' website. Additional polices include: Data Processing Addendum and Security Program. This evaluation only considers policies that have been made publicly available prior to an individual using the application or service.


The terms of Canvas state they provide a learning management system (LMS) for students and teachers that includes forums for users to post messages and respond to other user’s messages. The terms state any forum posts or comments will show usernames, and any information posted by a user can be read, collected, and shared by others who access them. In addition, the terms state the Service may monitor or review a user’s interactions with other users and content.


The terms of Canvas state they collect personal information about a student and teacher to provide its cloud-based learning management system (LMS) to teachers and schools. The terms state the Service collects a wide range of information about students from work submissions, assessment scores, content feedback, and other learning tools. The terms state Canvas may sell users' data to third parties and displays targeted advertising, with some limited restrictions for students. The terms say Canvas may track and profile users on its site and across the internet on other sites and services for commercial purposes. In addition, the vendor uses de-identified data and anonymized data for its own internal purposes. The terms specify that Canvas may share de-identified and aggregated data with other third parties.


The terms specify that Canvas takes reasonable steps to help protect a user’s personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The terms specify that users must notify the vendor immediately of any unauthorized use of their password or any other breach of security. In addition, the terms provide detailed information about security, data protection practices, and breach notifications.


The terms of Canvas do not say whether they provide a special child or student account is available for users under the age of 13. However, the terms do specify users are able to access, update, review, or delete their personal information at any time. The terms do not discuss any specific student data privacy protections and teachers should review their school policies before use.

Overall Score

Every privacy rating includes an overall score. A higher score (up to 100%) means the product provides more transparent privacy policies with better practices to protect user data. The score is best used is as an indicator of how much additional work a person will need to do to make an informed decision about a product.

Basic ScoreFull Score
Comprehensive Assessment7156


The privacy evaluation process summarizes the policies of an application or service into concern categories based on a subset of evaluation questions that can be used to quickly identify particular practices of a vendor’s policies. These concerns are composed of evaluation questions that can be used to calculate scores relative to that concern.

ConcernBasic ScoreFull Score
Data Collection: Protecting personal information5045
Data Sharing: Protecting data from third parties10080
Data Security: Protecting against unauthorized access10085
Data Rights: Controlling rights to data8865
Data Sold: Preventing sale of data5035
Data Safety: Promoting responsible use8360
Ads & Tracking: Prohibiting the exploitation of users' decision making process5040
Parental Consent: Protecting children’s personal information5040
School Purpose: Following student data privacy laws10038
Individual Control: Controlling data useNA60


Each statute or regulation is associated with one or more evaluation questions. As such, we can calculate scores for each statute or regulation using only those questions associated with the statute or regulation. Each specific statute or regulation's score serves as an indirect proxy indicating the likelihood of the application or service satisfying all of its compliance obligations.

StatuteBasic ScoreFull Score
California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)7963
Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)6458
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)6361
Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA)6760
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)8069

Privacy Policy Details

1: Transparency

1.1: Policy Version
  • Privacy policies do indicate a version or effective date.
  • Privacy policies indicate a change log or past policy version is available.
1.2: Policy Notice
  • Users are notified if there are any material changes to the policies.
  • Privacy policies indicate the method used to notify a user when policies are updated.
1.3: Policy Changes
  • Unclear whether users are notified prior to any material changes to the policies.
  • Changes to the policies are effective immediately and continued use of the product indicates consent.
1.4: Policy Coverage
  • Privacy policies indicate the products that are covered by the policies.
1.5: Privacy Contact
  • Users can contact the company about any privacy policy questions, complaints, or material changes to the policies.
1.6: Policy Principles
  • Privacy policies do indicate privacy principles, layered notices, or a table of contents.
1.7: Policy Language
  • Privacy policies are not available in multiple languages.
1.8: Intended Use
  • Intended for children under 13.
  • Intended for teens.
  • Intended for adults over 18.
  • Intended for parents or guardians.
  • Intended for students.
  • Intended for teachers.

2: Focused Collection

2.1: Data Collection
  • Personally identifiable information (PII) is collected.
  • The categories of collected personally identifiable information are indicated.
  • Geolocation data are collected.
  • Unclear whether this product collects biometric or health data.
  • Interactions, behaviors, or usage analytics data are collected.
  • Unclear whether this product collects sensitive data.
  • Data is automatically collected.
2.2: Data Source
  • Unclear whether personal information or education records are collected from preK-12 students.
  • Unclear whether this product collects personal information from children under 13 years of age.
2.3: Data Excluded
  • Unclear whether specific types of personal information excluded from collection.
  • Unclear whether specific types of collected information are excluded from the privacy policy.
2.4: Data Limitation
  • Unclear whether the collection or use of data is limited to product requirements.

3: Data Sharing

3.1: Data Shared With Third Parties
  • Collected information is shared with third parties.
  • The categories of information shared with third parties are indicated.
3.2: Data Use by Third Parties
  • The purpose for sharing a user's personal information with third parties is indicated.
  • Data are shared for analytics.
  • Data are shared for research and/or product improvement.
  • Personal information is shared for third-party marketing.
3.3: Data Not Shared With Third Parties
  • Unclear whether there are specific categories of information that are not shared with third parties.
3.4: Data Sold to Third Parties
  • Personal information is sold or rented to third parties.
3.5: Third-Party Data Acquisition
  • Personal information about users is obtained from third parties.
3.6: Third-Party Links
  • Links to third-party external websites are not age-appropriate.
3.7: Third-Party Data Access
  • Third parties are authorized to access a user's information.
3.8: Third-Party Data Collection
  • Personal information of users is collected by a third party.
3.9: Third-Party Data Misuse
  • Unclear whether personal information can be deleted from a third party.
3.10: Third-Party Service Providers
  • Third-party services are used to support the product.
  • The roles of third-party service providers are indicated.
3.11: Third-Party Affiliates
  • The categories of third parties that receive data are indicated.
3.12: Third-Party Policies
  • Links to privacy policies of third-party companies are not available.
3.13: Third-Party Data Combination
  • Unclear whether company may combine data with additional data from third-party sources.
  • Unclear whether data shared with third parties can be combined with other data.
3.14: Third-Party Authentication
  • Unclear whether this product supports third-party login.
  • Unclear whether personal information from third-party login providers is collected.
  • Personal Information is shared with third-party login providers.
3.15: De-identified or Anonymized Data
  • User information that is shared is shared in an anonymous or de-identified format.
  • Unclear whether the company describes their de-identification process of user information.
3.16: Third-Party Contractual Obligations
  • Contractual limits are placed on third-party data use.
  • Unclear whether contractual limits prohibit third parties from reidentifying or de-identified information.

4: Respect for Context

4.1: Data Use
  • Use of information is limited to the purpose for which it was collected.
  • The context or purpose for which data are collected is indicated.
4.2: Data Combination
  • Unclear whether this product treats combined information as personally identifiable information (PII).
4.3: Data Notice
  • Notice is provided if the context in which data are collected changes.
4.4: Data Changes
  • Consent is obtained if the practices in which data are collected change.
4.5: Policy Enforcement
  • Accounts may be terminated if users engage in any prohibited activities.

5: Individual Control

5.1: User Content
  • Users can create or upload content.
5.2: User Consent
  • Opt-in consent is requested from users at the time personal information is collected.
5.3: Remedy Process
  • A grievance or remedy mechanism is available for users to file a complaint.
5.4: Data Settings
  • Users can control the use of their information through privacy settings.
5.5: Data Disclosure
  • Users can opt out from the disclosure or sale of their data to a third party.
  • Unclear whether users can request to know what personal information has been shared with third parties.
  • Unclear whether notice is provided in the event the company receives a government or legal request for a user's information.
5.6: Intellectual Property
  • Users retain ownership of their data.
  • A copyright license is claimed to data or content collected from a user.
  • Unclear whether any copyright license to a user's data is limited in scope or duration.

6: Access and Accuracy

6.1: Data Access
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.
  • Methods are available to restrict who has access to data.
  • Processes to review student data are available for the school, parents, or students.
6.2: Data Integrity
  • Unclear whether the company attempts to maintain the accuracy of data they collect.
6.3: Data Correction
  • Processes to modify data are available for authorized users.
  • Processes for the school, parents, or students to modify inaccurate student information are available.
  • The time period for the company to modify inaccurate data is indicated.
6.4: Data Retention
  • Unclear whether the product provides a data-retention policy.
  • Exceptions to the data retention policy exist.
6.5: Data Deletion
  • Unclear whether this product deletes data when no longer necessary.
  • A user's data are deleted upon account cancellation or termination.
  • Processes to delete user data are available.
  • Processes for authorized users to delete data are available.
  • The time period for the company to delete data is indicated.
6.6: Data Portability
  • Unclear whether this product provides users the ability to download their data.
  • Unclear whether a user can assign an authorized account manager or legacy contact.

7: Data Transfer

7.1: Data Handling
  • User information can be transferred to a third party in the event of a merge, acquisition, or bankruptcy.
  • Unclear whether notice is provided to users if the company assigns its rights or delegates its duties to another company.
  • Unclear whether users are notified if their information is transferred to a third party.
7.2: Transfer Request
  • Unclear whether user information can be deleted prior to its transfer to a third party.
7.3: Onward Contractual Obligations
  • Unclear whether third-party transfers are contractually required to use the same privacy practices.

8: Security

8.1: User Identity
  • A user's identity is verified with additional personal information.
8.2: User Account
  • Account creation is required.
  • Managed accounts are available.
  • Unclear whether multi-factor account protection is available.
8.3: Third-Party Security
  • Third-parties with access to information are required to provide the same security protections as the company.
8.4: Data Confidentiality
  • Reasonable security practices are used to protect data.
  • Employee or physical access to user information is limited.
8.5: Data Transmission
  • All data in transit are encrypted.
8.6: Data Storage
  • All data are stored in an encrypted format.
  • The company is clear what jurisdiction a user's personal information is subject to.
8.7: Data Breach
  • Notice is provided in the event of a data breach.
8.8: Data Oversight
  • Data-privacy and/or security-compliance audits are performed.

9: Responsible Use

9.1: Social Interactions
  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Users can interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
  • Profile information must be shared for social interactions.
9.2: Data Visibility
  • Personal information can be not displayed publicly.
  • Users can control how their data are displayed to others.
9.3: Monitor and Review
  • User-created content is reviewed, screened, or monitored by the company.
  • User-created content is filtered for personal information before being made publicly visible.
  • Unclear whether social interactions between users are moderated.
  • Unclear whether social interactions of users are logged.
9.4: Report Content
  • Unclear whether users can filter or block inappropriate content.
  • Unclear whether users can report abuse or cyberbullying.
9.5: Internet Safety
  • The company provides links to resources that support safe and appropriate social interactions.

10: Advertising

10.1: Vendor Communications
  • A user can receive service- or administrative-related communications from the company.
10.2: Traditional Advertising
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are displayed.
10.3: Behavioral Advertising
  • Personalised advertising is displayed.
10.4: Ad Tracking
  • Data are collected by third-parties for their own purposes.
  • User's information is used to track and target advertisements on other third-party websites or services.
  • Data profiles are created and used for personalised advertisements.
10.5: Filtered Advertising
  • Unclear whether ads displayed to children are filtered for inappropriate content.
10.6: Marketing Communications
  • The company can send marketing messages.
  • The company does provide promotional sweepstakes, contests, or surveys.
10.7: Unsubscribe
  • Unclear whether this product provides users the ability to opt-out of contextual, or personalised advertising.
  • Unclear whether users can opt out or unsubscribe from marketing communications.
10.8: Do Not Track
  • Unclear whether this product responds to "Do Not Track" or other opt-out mechanisms.
  • Unclear whether the company provides a method for users to opt-out from third-party tracking.

11: Compliance

11.1: Children Under 13
  • Unclear whether company has actual knowledge that personal information from users under 13 years of age is collected.
  • The company does provide a section, heading, or separate policy for children in their policies.
  • Unclear whether this product restricts or prohibits account creation for users under 13 years of age.
11.2: Students in K–12
  • Unclear whether this product is primarily used by, designed for, and marketed toward students in grades preK–12.
  • Processes to enter education records into the product are not described.
  • Additional rights or protections may be provided with an additional school contract.
  • Unclear whether the company is designated as a school official.
11.3: Parental Consent
  • Unclear whether parental consent is required before personal information is collected or disclosed.
  • Unclear whether this product limits parental consent with respect to third parties.
  • Unclear whether this product allows parents to withdraw consent for the further collection of their child's information.
  • Children's personal information is deleted if collected without parental consent.
  • Unclear whether this product provides parental consent notice and method for submission.
  • Unclear whether this product transfers parental consent obligations to the school or district.
11.4: Legal Requirements
  • The legal jurisdiction that applies to the laws governing the policies is indicated.
  • Unclear whether a user is required to waive the right to a jury trial, or settle any disputes by arbitration.
  • Unclear whether a user is required to waive the right to join a class action lawsuit.
  • A company will disclose personal information to law enforcement.
11.5: Certification
  • The company has signed a privacy pledge or received a privacy certification.
11.6: International Laws
  • A user's data are subject to International data transfer or jurisdiction laws.
  • The company has indicated it is a Data Controller or Data Processor.